Embracing Excellence in Education at Rangamati Siksha Ashram

I am delighted to address you as we embark on a new academic year at Rangamati Siksha Ashram. As the Principle of this esteemed institution, I extend a warm welcome to each of you, and I am filled with pride as I reflect on our shared commitment to excellence in teacher education.

Education fosters holistic child development by integrating moral, cultural, and spiritual values alongside cognitive growth. Teachers, as mentors, nurture academic and attitudinal success, embodying the roles of friend, philosopher, and guide. Training institutions empower educators to enhance teaching efficacy, facilitating effective learning experiences.

Dr Jakirul Sarkar


We want to lead in Education

RANGAMATI SHIKSHAN ASHRAM is committed to continuously engage to improve the teaching-learning process along with all its necessary influential factors. Our vision is to make academic integrity and accountability, to be sincere and dedicated, to increase tolerance towards the views of others, to do activities promoting public good and for the best of our planet Earth. At last our focus will be our joint effort to improve upon our performance to enhance our college position in the best Teachers’ Training Institute in India
At Rangamati Siksha Ashram, our vision is to cultivate a cadre of passionate and competent educators who will shape the future of education with innovation, integrity, and inclusivity. Our mission is to provide a transformative learning experience that prepares teachers to meet the diverse needs of learners in the 21st century.